
Robotic esophagectomy: how I do it?

Figure 1. Abdominal portion of robotic Ivor Lewis esophagectomy. A depiction of abdominal robotic port placement is demonstrated [A: (c) camera port; (a) assistant port]; first, the right gastroepiploic arcade is defined (B, red arrow); the greater omentum is then divided and dissection proceeds along the short gastric vessels (C); once the left crus is defined, the stomach is rotated and retrogastric attachments are divided (D); the gastrohepatic ligament is divided (E) and the right crus is defined; a 4-5 cm gastric conduit is created (F) with serial firing of staplers (G); indocyanine green can be used to define the vascularity of the conduit (H); finally, a jejunostomy feeding tube is placed in the left lower quadrant (I) prior to abdominal closure

Mini-invasive Surgery
ISSN 2574-1225 (Online)
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